Best Kept Community Village 2019
Thomas ap Hugh 1672.
Donated £30 towards the construction of the original parish school in 1657. It was where the memorial garden is now and offered up to 14 places to local children. It was converted to storage for the church hearse in 1857 before the school was demolished by the Department of Education in 1953.
Sir William of Gwespyr 1678 (link)
Hugo ap Robert 1643 (link)
Sir Peter Mostyn 1605.
Main churchyard (against Chancel South wall). Originally a hooded tomb. The first of a number of initiative variants following that of Robert Wynne Conway [d.1598. Builder of Plas Mawr].Hood removed but evidence of pins for fixing it to tomb table remains.
Tomb has lost two heraldic plaques – both of which are inserted into the chancel wall but have been badly eroded over time.
Gruffudd Fychan II
1369 (link)
WWI memorial plaque wall mounted inside the church (link)